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Polina's Day for Me - 4K-UHD Download Only

Product SKU: PDM | Producer: Synetech Video Co.

Running Time: 71 minutes | 4K-UHD Download: 16:9, 3840 x 2176, MP4

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Product Availability: on stock
Price from: 20,00 €
Tax (included in sales price): 3,5 €
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  • Description

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This title is available for EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD ONLY - DVD or Blu-ray is not available for this title.

Watch as Polina enjoys a beautiful sunny day outside her cottage, strolling through the backyard and filling the air with playful bubbles. It's all about simple joys and the magic of bubbles on a warm afternoon!

Polina enjoys a sunny day on the rooftop sun deck of her cottage. She relaxes on a beach chair, applies sun oil, and basks in the warmth. After a perfect sunbathing session, she heads to her bathroom for a refreshing shower, dries off, and continues her day feeling rejuvenated.

As night falls, Polina steps into a colorful living room alive with vibrant lights and pulsing dance music. She walks up the stairs, settles in, and starts dancing, her moves matching the beat. With the floor fan blowing her hair back, she loses herself in the music, enjoying every moment. After a lively dance session, Polina retreats to the hot tub, soaking in the warm water and unwinding from the night's energy. Surrounded by the calming atmosphere, she reflects on the wonderful day she had, savoring the peaceful end to a fun-filled evening.


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1 DVD/Blu-ray  10.00 EUR 
2 DVDs/Blu-rays 11.00 EUR
3 DVDs/Blu-rays 12.00 EUR
4 DVDs/Blu-rays 15.00 EUR
5 or more DVDs/Blu-rays 19.00 EUR

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